At a sun-related skin consultation, we will provide you with an intimate, one-on-one discussion about the health of your skin. The sun can damage your skin in many ways that will need a medical intervention for skin to properly regenerate again in a healthy manner. Our experienced medical aestheticians and dermatology team at ZO Skin Centre® will provide you with an in-depth analysis of your skin and then procure a skin care plan to meet your needs. From hyperpigmentation to textural issues to skin cancer screenings, we will take on the challenge of easing your dark spots, wrinkles, lines, and/or rough texture your sun-damaged skin may be presenting.
Everyone needs to be aware of their skin health and how to best protect it from sun damage (even if you have pristine skin). Sun damage can present itself in many ways and at ZO Skin Centre® Pasadena, CA, we can find any hidden damage.
Sun-Related Conditions
Sun Damage
Sun-damaged skin is more than the occasional sunburn. Over time, the sun will cause your skin to evolve. Wrinkles, pigmentation spots, loss of hydration, and skin diseases or disorders are all possibilities your skin could endure with repeated overexposure to the harmful rays of the sun.
When you have an overproduction of melanin in your facial skin, it can be very difficult to treat pigmentation conditions without professional medical help. We consult with patients with sun-damaged skin presenting as hyperpigmentation (freckles, sun spots, dark patches, blotchy skin, and more).
Skin Cancer
Would you like to have a skin analysis that includes an assessment for skin cancer? Sun damage can cause skin cancer, and we recommend that you have a regular checkup and screening every 6 – 12 months if you are at risk. Our consultations for skin cancer will assess abnormalities in your skin, check moles for size and color, and examine dark spots. We can also recommend products to help prevent skin cancer with our high SPF sunscreens, which needs to be worn daily (especially on the vulnerable areas: the face, neck, hands, and feet). If we suspect that you have the characteristics of skin cancer, it will be imperative to speak with a doctor or dermatologist about the findings.
Malignant melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer most often caused by sun overexposure, and if not treated, can spread rapidly. If you have melanoma or have been treated for this severe skin cancer, it is highly important that you wear a powerful UVA + UVB sun protectant on your skin. At the ZO Skin Centre®, we have a series of sunscreen formulations that may work well with your skin for prevention.
The sun can bring out a hyperpigmentation called melasma, which is a hormonal pigmentation condition. Melasma consultations will assess the severity of your condition, and we will strategize ways to reduce the appearance of melasma flare-ups. We also can recommend ZO® Skin Health products and services for treatment, such as the ZO® Controlled Depth Peel™ with or without a laser skin resurfacing. Melasma is a skin condition that has to be managed as there is no cure. Keep in mind that even with aggressive or consistent treatment, sometimes the pigmentation will return to the same spot on your skin. Superficial melasma responds well to creams and disappears, but deep melasma may require a combination of peels and procedures.
Best Candidates
Everyone needs to protect their skin from the sun. We provide sun-related skin consultations for all patients who have mild-to-severe noticeable skin conditions from chronic overexposure to the sun. We also will consult with you if you just want to learn how to protect your skin to prevent future skin care problems (like wrinkles and sun spots).

Save Your Skin From the Sun
While exposure to the sun is inevitable, damaging your delicate skin does not have to be your reality. With our skin care and sun protection regimens available at the ZO Skin Centre®, we can have you covered. ZO® Skin Health Triple Spectrum Protection Sunscreens provide maximal sun protection against UVA + UVB, HEV and IR-A exposure to help you retain younger-looking, healthy skin for longer and decrease the risk of skin diseases or disorders from the sun. A sun-related skin consultation is available daily at our office. Please call and schedule an appointment or walk in for your analysis today.